Online events and activities: safeguarding information

Are you delivering online activity or wanting to deliver online activity? Have you considered all aspects of safeguarding?

While all our Breeze Culture Network partners have a solid understanding of child protection and safeguarding in the physical world for many of us delivering online activity can be a little bit more uncertain.

For many of us this is a new way of working, it is hard to know the best way to do so, and you can often feel overwhelmed by all the different apps and communication tools available. These are great for communicating effectively with young people, but if used inappropriately or with a lack of understanding there is potential to put young people at risk from abuse, both online and offline.

We wanted to highlight some best practices and some helpful resources to be able to refer to when considering your delivery plan.

What do I need to do to deliver online activities?

Before planning your activity please ensure you have:

  • trained all staff in online safety
  • updated your child protection policy to cover online safety

Points to consider when delivering online activities:

  • research the most appropriate and safest apps to use for your target age group, are you aware of all the safety settings on the app, do you know of the potential risks of them?
  • the level of engagement and interaction that is required from children, can you post content that educates and engages but doesn't require children to interact?
  • the safety of all involved, including those delivering as well as the participants, consider how not to deliver a session on your own
  • how to protect children's identity when participating in online activities.
  • communicating what your sessions involve and how you will ensure the safety of participants
  • considered how to request consent if any online images / videos to be used of participants

We strongly advise you read all the links outlined below to make informed decisions on how to plan your online activities.

Useful resources

Staff training

You must ensure all your staff delivering the activities have had online safety training.

The NSPCCs elearning course external link will teach you how children use the internet and how you can keep them safe from abuse online.

They deliver a four hour course on Online safety training external link.

Child Protection Policy

If you are running online activities you need to ensure your child protection policy reflects this, if it does not already cover online safety. View the NSPCC guidance on how to create on online safety statement external link, once all your staff are trained.


The NSPCC is a credible and solid information source and covers many areas that you may have to consider. While most of their information was written prior to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), it provides a clear starting point and points to think about.

They give full information on the following areas:

  • creating a safe environment
  • communicating online
  • running online services for children and young people
  • live streaming
  • preventing online abuse

They share best practice for online safety external link in your group or organisation.

National Online Safety

National Online Safety external link is a service set up specifically for schools and parents. They offer many resources, guides and video tips that support educators and parents to stay. A free login is required to access their content.

Live Session Guide

National Online Safety external link also have a host of guides for educators, including a guide to safe live lessons, this was written prior to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), and specifically outlines some of the issues that may arise when engaging in live online sessions.

Net Aware

Net Aware external link is partnered with the NSPCC and O2 to deliver clear information to parents on all different types of social media and online gaming apps to give clear guidance on age restrictions, risks and how to use them in the safest manner. This is a great resource to research the most appropriate applications to use for your target groups when planning your delivery.

They also cover topics on how parents should talk to children and young people about the risks and how to stay safe online.

Leeds Safeguarding Board

Leeds Safeguarding Board external link have published some information for practitioners around general safeguarding of children, young people and their families during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


Here are some local methods to get your online activities shared to the public:


Breeze has published a page on online safety external link, with key tips for parents to consider when children are engaging in online activity.

We are currently sharing quality online provision and activities through our social media channels:

Facebook @BrzLdsExternal link
Instagram @breezeleeds external link

If you have anything you would like us to share that meet the online safety guidance given by the NSPCC please email

Leeds Inspired

Leeds Inspired have created an online events section external link on their website should you wish to share your event through that platform.

Child Friendly Leeds

Child Friendly Leeds external link are also sharing quality online provision through their twitter account, so feel free to tag them in any tweets you do @Child_LeedsExternal link.

We hope you find this useful in these ever changing times.

Stay safe!