When you receive funding from Connecting Communities for activities for children and young people in Leeds you are required to monitor who is taking part.
This helps your funder (and you) find out where that funding is going, and who it reaches.
To start this process you
must add your events and activities as soon as you have notification you have been funded, in order to be able to engage in the online monitoring.
Please note: you cannot add events to the website after they have happened and still be part of the online monitoring system.
You collect monitoring data by making sure each of your attendees has (and brings) their BreezeCard (contact
breeze@leeds.gov.uk for more information about how you get your supply of BreezeCards and what to do next).
Find out more about BreezeCard here.
You are also required to add your events and activities to the BreezeLeeds.org website in advance of them taking place - to publicise what you've got coming up, and to have information online to monitor against - this is part of your funding agreement.
How to use the BreezeCultureNetwork.org to monitor your activities
1 - you
must add your events to the website in advance for this system to work, so as soon as you have the details. Please take care to do this carefully when adding events with multiple days -
find out more and in particular be mindful of the layout of the 24 hour clock showing the times e.g. 10:30 (digit, digit, colon, digit, digit).
2 - make sure you have a supply of BreezeCard packs and instructions on what to do next (contact us at
breeze@leeds.gov.uk for that, if you haven't already heard from us)
3 - make sure you ask your participants to bring their BreezeCard or supply them with one (pop a reminder on posters and your BreezeLeeds.org listing, or as part of your booking process)
4 - take a register at your event - so you end up with two columns populated with the participants name and BreezeCard number
5 - after your event - login to BreezeCultureNetwork and find 'Event Monitoring' in the top right hand drop down menu on your dashboard
6 - select an event from those you have uploaded previously
7 - follow the instructions on the page! PLEASE NOTE - if you download the template with two columns (Name and Cardnumber) you must use the template exactly as it is for this option to work, do not add any other information and do not remove the column headings.
Top Tips
You must add your events in advance and you must take care to ensure that the timings are showing in the correct format,
e.g. 10:30 (digit, digit, colon, digit, digit) AND that you show each day of your event as an individual date, see above.
No child should ever be turned away from an event or activity because they do not have (or will not accept) a BreezeCard, but try to encourage everyone to take part in the process the BreezeCard is useful for all sorts of things -
see more about BreezeCard here
You can
upload your register in bulk - just download the template offered on the Add Attendance page and copy the participant name and Breezecard information you have gathered into the first two columns, and then upload it onto the site.
PLEASE NOTE - if you download the template that is offered with two columns (Name and Cardnumber) you must use the template exactly as it is for this upload option to work, do not add any other information and do not remove the column headings, do not add punctuation or spaces into the two column headings. Make sure to leave any blank fields completely blank, even spaces will cause an issue. Try to use excel software when creating your upload spreadsheet as other programmes could corrupt the file.
IF YOU GET A 'PAGE 404' WHEN UPLOADING YOUR TEMPLATE - you will have somehow corrupted your two column headings with spaces or punctuation, so double check, correct and try again.
Contact breeze@leeds.gov.ukif the problem persists.
You can
upload your register as individual listings - just scroll down the Add Attendance page page to see how to do that (you might prefer to do that if your registers are hand written for example)
You can leave one part of each entry blank if you have to - e.g. no name but the BreezeCard number, or name only but no BreezeCard number.
But remember... without a BreezeCard number we don't know the:
of the children and young people you are supporting and so we cannot map activity (and gaps) across Leeds effectively. With that basic BreezeCard information in place together we can contribute to the strategic decision making process of where in the city the funding should go, and to whom!
Once you submit your attendance information as well as contributing to the city wide picture, you will be able to print off reports for your own use, including different types of charts and lists - helping you demonstrate to your board or partners how you've been doing.
Contact us with any queries -
See our
FAQ for making the most of your BCN