Leeds Youth Activities Fund

​Please note - you MUST add your events and activities to BreezeLeeds.ord using 'Create an Event' once you are logged in to this website, AT LEAST 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF THEM HAPPENING to be able to use the online BreezeCard monitoring system. You cannot do this retrospectively. The BreezeCultureNetwork.org team works part time, your event listings need to be activated before the date they have happened to be part of this process, so you must add them a few days before they happen (at the latest).

Leeds City Council funded projects through the Youth Activities Fund are required to monitor attendance at their events and activities on the Breeze Culture Network as part of their funding agreement.

To start this process you must add your events and activities as soon as you have notification you have been funded, or as soon as you know when they will be happening (and at least three days before they happen) in order to be able to engage in the online monitoring. Please note: you cannot add events to the website after they have happened and still be part of the online monitoring system.

This is your contribution to mapping how funding is used to benefit children and young people in communities across Leeds and uses the Breezecard system to access anonymised data about attendees and help evaluate the success of the funded projects.

ALSO - by using the online BreezeLeeds.org events calendar you will be effectively marketing your activity to a broad audience.

Recording Attendance at events Using Breeze Culture Network
You must add your events in advance to the BreezeLeeds.org calendar of events (log into BreezeCultureNetwork.org and go to 'Create an Event'). If you are running a series of events make absolutely sure that each day it runs is listed individually, e.g.:

24/03/2016 17:00    24/03/2016 19:00 (that's your first day, start and finish times)

31/03/2016 17:00    31/03/2016 19:00 (that's your second day, start and finish times)

and so on...

if you had a weekly event, running for a month and add the date/time like this:

24/03/2016 17:00    07/04/2016 19:00 (the first start time and last end time)

your event listing will not work for monitoring purposes and will be lost from the BreezeLeeds.org calendar of events as soon as 24/03/2015 17:00 passes.

Each attendee at your events/activities will need to have a Breezecard number noted for them on your register. Encourage young people to bring their BreezeCard with them, and we can arrange for you to have Breezecards to give out to young people who don't have one, just email us on breeze@leeds.gov.uk to tell us how many people you are expecting. Children/young people can pick up a Breezecard at any library or leisure centre in Leeds.

Read more in our guide to capturing Breezecard numbers and issuing Breezecards: (pdf, 311KB)

Then, at the end of Youth Activities Funded projects please complete the Final Project Evaluation Form (Word, 49KB).