REGISTRATION: I want to join the Breeze Culture Network | | | REGISTRATION: I want to join the Breeze Culture Network | | <div class="ExternalClass7B5CE41E7C254498854680200568EF99"><p>You can join Breeze Culture Network (BCN) in two ways: </p><p>Create yourself a personal profile within an existing organisation listed on the network. OR, if your organisation is not already feature on BCN</p><p>Create a brand new organisation listing and yourself a personal profile within that.</p><p>Click Register under the blue Log In button on the menu bar and go from there.</p><p>If you are starting from scratch to build a profile for an organisation that doesn't already feature on the Network you will be automatically prompted to provide equality and safeguarding information in support of your registration, you will need to provide this before your account is activated.</p><p>If you are creating yourself a personal profile within an organisation already featured on Breeze Culture Network then your organisation's Primary Contact will receive an automated email from us asking them to activate you. This is our way of ensuring everyone is connected to the correct organisation. Don't worry though, we get the email too and will be in touch.</p>
</div> | | | |
MESSAGES: I get too many messages - my email inbox is overflowing! | | | MESSAGES: I get too many messages - my email inbox is overflowing! | | <div class="ExternalClass41199ED808734406AA4E3675574A5A66"><p>We're reluctantly adding this to FAQ because we don't really believe you can have too many messages from the Network!<br>To control the amount of messages you receive from the Network simply log into the BCN and Edit Your Account. Reduce the areas/categories of interest selected to fine tune your targeted messages.</p></div> | | | |
DIRECTORY: How do I find anyone/everyone on the network? | | | DIRECTORY: How do I find anyone/everyone on the network? | | <div class="ExternalClass72AFA6538067481FB3D3635233F78C24"><p>Just log in, go to the Directory and search by organisation name, area or service.</p></div> | | | |
EVENTS: We've got an event for children/young people going on in Leeds, can I promote it anywhere else? | | | EVENTS: We've got an event for children/young people going on in Leeds, can I promote it anywhere else? | | <div class="ExternalClassA634ECE60BA748CFBB27D41A009F6C8D"><p>If that's the case you really should add it as an Event using your Breeze Culture Network account. This will publish it onto the events calendar on <a href=""></a> the website for anyone looking for positive things for children, young people and families to do in Leeds.</p><p>Good news is you can do that from here!</p><p>Log in to the members area and click 'Creat an Event' on your dashboard, follow the instructions to do just that.</p><p>Our Event builder form allows you to insert multiple dates for events that repeat and copy event details for events held at different venues.<br>Don't forget to also publicise your events by sending around a message via the Network, (see above).</p><p>We'll also be happy to give you an extra boost via our home page news and facebook pages. We'll be in touch when we see your messages/events being added.</p></div> | | | |
EVENTS: My Event listing has been rejected! What do I do? | | | EVENTS: My Event listing has been rejected! What do I do? | | <div class="ExternalClassDDBAD0E49DD04378817049D90DBDAC2B"><p>You'll have received notification that we have rejected your event - this is usually due to some missing information, spelling errors, a wrong venue, or you haven't listed all your dates individually.</p><p>You'll see the explanation for the rejections when you go to 'My Events' and on the left hand side of the page see the drop down menu from 'Status' click on 'Rejected'.</p><p>We will always endeavour to email you directly to explain too.</p></div> | | | |
EVENTS: I created an event listing but now I can't find it! | | | EVENTS: I created an event listing but now I can't find it! | | <div class="ExternalClassE537AB6F248343DEAE5500FD6A515FFE"><p>No worries, just sign in, go to My Events and then on the left hand side of that page you will see a section 'Status' with a drop down menu offering:</p><ul><li><p>Live</p></li><li><p>Draft</p></li><li><p>Rejected</p></li><li><p>Awaiting Approval</p></li><li><p>Past<br><br>they're all there!</p></li></ul></div> | | | |
EVENTS: The timings I have added aren't accepted by the event builder form but I can't see what I am doing wrong! | | | EVENTS: The timings I have added aren't accepted by the event builder form but I can't see what I am doing wrong! | | <div class="ExternalClassE4A3278D43F34421A007A0E63FA23AEB"><p>You must follow the 24 hour clock protocol for inserting times, that means digit, digit, colon, digit, digit e.g. 10:30 or 15:30 and so on.</p><p>If you add in 10.30 or 05;15 that will not be accepted by the system and you will not be able to continue to save.</p><p>So watch out for your punctuation... Use a colon : every single time.</p></div> | | | |
WEBSITE CONTENT: Can I add something to the Breeze Culture Network news or resources page? | | | WEBSITE CONTENT: Can I add something to the Breeze Culture Network news or resources page? | | <div class="ExternalClass99F21E3F99DD46DE98C2E78186A3430B"><p>Yes please!</p><p>We welcome your news to share on our News Section. Please contact us at <a href=""></a> with text and a lovely big image and we'll do the rest.</p></div> | | | |
Have we answered your question? | | | Have we answered your question? | | <div class="ExternalClass9BBFBB0630654D9F83DB7CD7793D59B7"><p>If you still have questions not covered in this FAQ, feel free to just drop us an email at <a href=""></a> and we will be happy to help.</p></div> | | | |
REGISTRATION: Why do I have to provide Equality & Safeguarding Information? | | | REGISTRATION: Why do I have to provide Equality & Safeguarding Information? | | <div class="ExternalClass57E2BD9F2F3D4FB2BA3FBE129A2AFECF"><p>You won't be activated as a new organisation or freelance practitioner until you have provided evidence about your understanding of child protection and equal opportunities in support of your registration.</p><p>This is because Breeze Culture Network is a network of professionals and volunteers working responsibly with children and young people, all of whom have a focus on quality of provision and understand the importance of having the correct policies and procedures in place.</p><p>We help you promote your work to schools and voluntary/community organisations, and we encourage schools and voluntary/community groups to come to the Network to find quality providers, so if you don't have these policies and procedures in place we're not the network for you.</p><p>We also recommend that schools/organisation engaging others to work with their children and young people do their own checks on safeguarding and equality to meet their own requirements.</p></div> | | | |
MY ACCOUNT: I've joined the Network but I can't do anything on the site! | | | MY ACCOUNT: I've joined the Network but I can't do anything on the site! | | <div class="ExternalClass1B90234FC49C44CE9F09955432F3753B"><p>This is usually the case when you've registered online but not completed your registration by submitting the supporting information required to activate your account.</p><p>To be fully activated please submit your completed Equality & Safeguarding Requirements form prompted for as part of registration which can also be downloaded at the link below.</p><p>Download the forms, submit them with your evidence and then we'll get you up and running!</p><p>Contact us at <a href=""></a> if you are confused.</p></div> | | | |
MY ACCOUNT: I've forgotten my username/password! What do I do? | | | MY ACCOUNT: I've forgotten my username/password! What do I do? | | <div class="ExternalClassF63C8B6AABAF45A9928B6B75B6383FA9"><p>Simple!</p><p>Your username is your email address connected to your profile - so the account you receive our targeted messages to.</p><p>You can renew your password by going to the blue Log In button (above the sliding image), and clicking</p><p>Scroll down the page to 'Forgot Password' and click</p><p>As for a link to be sent to your email address - and follow the process to reset your password</p></div> | | | |
MY ACCOUNT: How do I edit my organisation or personal profile? | | | MY ACCOUNT: How do I edit my organisation or personal profile? | | <div class="ExternalClass69E7C9AB8E7944CA948B534394009AD1"><p>You'll need to log in first, then simply go to the 'My Account' button for your personal profile, or 'My Organisation Profile' from the drop down from the big orange button in the top right hand side of the page.</p><p>Use the information added to My Organisation Profile as an opportunity to spell out what your organisation does and where in the Yorkshire & Humber region you work - this shows up in the Directory.</p><p>For your personal profile you can select geographical areas and categories of interest so you can receive relevant targeted messages from the rest of the network.</p></div> | | | |
MY ACCOUNT: Why should I edit my organisation or personal profile? | | | MY ACCOUNT: Why should I edit my organisation or personal profile? | | <div class="ExternalClassAE329198965B438480FC955F8A316BA5"><p>To make the most of your Breeze Culture Network of course!<br>Your Organisation Profile gives you the chance to set out your stall about what your organisation/you do.</p><p>This is what is seen by anyone searching our Directory - so that's a chance for you to leap out at anyone looking for an organisation or freelance practitioner to work with. Use the space to interest and delight potential partners and employers.</p><p>You can add images too. Select area categories to identify where you will work across Yorkshire & The Humber this will help when the search is filtered.</p><p>Your Account profile is is your chance to say a bit more about you, and best of all you can select areas and categories of interest so you can receive the targeted messages sent out by fellow BCN members that are relevant to you.</p></div> | | | |
MY ACCOUNT: Can other people in my organisation become members? | | | MY ACCOUNT: Can other people in my organisation become members? | | <div class="ExternalClassA558422524494315A518A26C630249F8"><p>Yes, all they need to do is go to Register <a href=""></a> and sign up as an individual, and find your organisation in the list of organisations already listed.</p><p>OR You can invite them. Log in, go to My Organisation Profile (top right button, drop down menu) on the left hand side of the page see 'Invite User' and go from there.</p><p>New members can edit their own account to receive information of interest to them etc...</p></div> | | | |
MESSAGES: How do I send out a targeted message to the network? | | | MESSAGES: How do I send out a targeted message to the network? | | <div class="ExternalClassC1976D35AD484790906C9DAED31F0812"><p>Once you are logged in it is all there on your dashboard.</p><p>Either click on the My Messages icon on your dashboard, or click on the orange 'welcome' button on the top right hand corner and the drop down menu features everything you need to use the site.<br>Please take care not to abuse the system, think about the geographical areas and categories of interest RELEVANT to your message content and don't just click all.<br>We rely on our members not to spam each other.</p></div> | | | |
MESSAGES: I don't get any messages from the Network | | | MESSAGES: I don't get any messages from the Network | | <div class="ExternalClassA66D4397EEA0497AAF24A71A07D1B304"><p>Poor you. You are really missing out!</p><p>Check your email junk mail folder - are we in there? If so, 'white list' us and we'll pop up in your email inbox as soon as someone hits 'send' from Breeze Culture Network.</p><p>If we aren't in your junk mail folder then the answer is probably that you didn't select any categories of interest when creating your personal profile, so you'll need to log in to the Network and update your personal profile - select areas and categories of interest to set up your personalised targeted messaging system.</p><p>If you've selected your categories of interest in your personal profile but still don't receive messages we bet it's because you haven't selected any geographical areas of interest, so it's time to go back into your personal profile and do some more updating.</p></div> | | | |